We had planned on continuing up the coast of Oregon to Astoria and then down SR 4 to the County Line RV Park on the Columbia River. Then the weatherman changed those plans in a hurry.
A storm was moving in and they were going to have 65 to 70 mph winds along the coast from Northern CA up into Washington. We do not like storms and will avoid them if at all possible. Which means we headed inland.
Normally, that would make me sad but this time it worked out really well. We stayed at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Hillsboro which just happens to be kind of close to my counsin, Gary, and his wife, Lynn. I called Gary and they came to pick us up for dinner. Their daughter, Jackie, joined us and a wonderful time was had by all. 
We hadn't seen Gary and Lynn for at least ten years and we had fun catching up on our lives and gossiping about other relatives. It definitely won't be another ten years until we see them again.
Looks like you were all having a grand time. Changes in plans can sometimes prove a better deal. Hope your storm is over soon.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great to be able to change plans and locations?
ReplyDeleteWe were going to stay at that RV park I think. Doug thought it looked like "Deliverance town" so we didn't.