Saturday, November 27, 2010


These pictures were taken on our way from Capitan, NM to Benson, AZ. We spent the night in Deming, NM at the Escapees Park and then went into the Escapees Park in Benson for two nights.IMG_7944

This is a Border Patrol check point. We were just waved on through so I guess we don’t look too dangerous.

IMG_7939This tree was just all by itself and I just wanted to take a picture.

IMG_7948 Can anybody tell me what this thing is on top of this car? I have no idea what it is.


  1. COOL! I'm not 100% certain, but I think that you saw a Google Street View car!

  2. It's the doey that tracks the satellites for GPS etc. We used to see them in Vancouver all the time.


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