We met Karla, Eric and Kora in Sedalia, MO last May at Escapade. They are the newlyweds in the group and also are younger than many of us. They love to kayak, hike, and ride bikes. But my favorite thing about them is Kora. She is the most lovable dog ever.

Toni & Doug are the Canadians in our midst. These two are some of the friendliest people I have ever met. So easy to visit with. Toni took control of the scavenger hunt and had us do the truth or lie which was a great hit. Parker is their laid back pouch who put up with my little barkers by ignoring them.
Sure seems like you are having a great time in Quartzite. Glad you posted the photos of all the RV's and vendors. Congratulations on getting the wind twirly thingy.