Sunday, February 20, 2011


DSCN0489 With the drought that AZ is experiencing, this is one scary sight. The fire was across the road from the Olive Mill as we were leaving.

IMG_0366 The fire trucks arrived shortly and put the fire out without it spreading which is a blessing.


  1. a fire in the desert would be a scary sight..glad the fire department showed up just in time to extinguish it!

  2. Sandie, Where/When was this ?

  3. We have noticed that most of Texas is under a burn ban, it's been so long since they have had any rain.
    We miss our campfires but it wouldn't be worth the potential ramifications!

  4. I recently saw a grass fire beside the freeway I'm sure was started by someone throwing away a cigarette. I've never understood why some people think our earth is their ashtray.


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