Sunday, December 19, 2010


As Christmas approaches more and more people are arriving here in the sunny Southwest. It is so much fun to see everybody again and catch up with their travels and adventures.

santa On Wednesday we went to the SKP Chapter 45 luncheon and got visited by Santa Clause. The luncheons are held at Mickey D’s restaurant here in Apache Junction and we really enjoy visiting with everyone and meeting new people.

My sister and her hubby (Judy and Don) arrived Wednesday afternoon. They have a home in Helena, MT but come down to Mesa to spend the winter. We helped them unload and open up their park model and then went to Panda Express (yea) for dinner.

DSCN0101 Thursday we met up with some Class of 2009 and 2008 SKPs at Organ Stop Pizza. I never get tired of going there and listening to the fabulous organ.

organ stop1 Eric and Karla,

Sherry and Sharon, Eric and Karlaorgan stop

organ stop2Jerry and Doug

Jeri, and Janice organ stop3

DSCN0095 Toni (Jerry, Doug, Sherry and Sharon.

It’s hard to visit because the organ is loud but we made up for it during the couple of breaks the organ player took.

Lots of Christmas music and good times were had by all. Sherry and Sharon brought some friends of theirs who actually live in this area but had never been to Organ Stop. Isn’t it funny how when you live in an area, you don’t take the time to explore.


  1. Get togethers are so much fun! Love it!

  2. Y'all look like you're having a great time!!!!

  3. Great pics there Sandie !


  4. So busy. 1:45 am??? Yikes. Hope to see you soon. Maybe half way between here and there, next week?


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.