Friday, January 28, 2011


DSCN0198One of our main goals this year for our reunion was to give everybody a chance to just sit and visit and catch up with other RVers. We’ve all had a year of wonderful and some not so wonderful experiences that we needed to talk over.

IMG_0145 There are campgrounds that we liked and ones that we didn’t like. Places to see that are definite musts and others that were maybes. All of this information needed to be shared.


IMG_0216 So that’s what we did. We sat outside in the sun during the day and around campfires at night.





I found that if I headed outside with my book I could have several friends sitting out there with me within a matter of minutes. Isn’t that just the best way ever to read a book. With the book closed and lots of friends nearby.

IMG_0173 There was also a lot of food to be eaten. Even our happy hours turned into a time for snacking.


  1. Great pics of the campsite, the crowd and that gorgeous fire.

  2. And great food! Meeting up with these guys is fun but it is hazardous to my waistline. :) Of course, those who went hiking and biking did a better job than I did working off some of it.

  3. Now you really really make me miss you guys. Love the pics.

    Glad your friend made it in safely! Hopefully we will be close to each other somewhere down the road. Love to catch up with you two and any other of our friends.


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.