Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Trip to Emmett, ID

 Emmett, ID   Smokey but not a bad day.

Judy and I left on Thursday morning to head to Emmett which is close to Boise. Her family does the drive in one day but since we're old, we take two days to do the drive with a stopover in Arco, ID (near Craters of the Moon). 

Jim and I stayed in Arco several times when we were RVing. We found Honey's Park and met Scar, the owner. Thereafter we always made a point of stopping by. It is a free campground but donations are accepted. He has lots of space in his field with a few electric sites which sure came in handy when it was so hot. Check out Honey's website at Honey's Park.

Scar is also a lover of dogs. In fact Honey's is named for one of his dogs who is no longer with him. He now has Shadow. He also likes to honor those dogs or cats or other animals that those who camp with him love. Jim and I planted a tree and Scar made us a sign to put with our tree to honor our Scooter, Skittlez, and Rocky Joe. It is still there. I had a nice visit with Scar and I'm glad we made the stop in Arco.


However, I was not impressed with the Arco Inn. Your motel choices are really slim pickings and definitely not any place I would stay at for more than one night. And your choice of restaurants is limited to two. We had dinner at Pickle's Place. It was okay.

The next morning we headed westward after a not so restful night. No place for breakfast so we got some packaged donuts at the gas station. 

We arrived in Emmett and got checked into our motel room. It was a step up from Arco but still very rustic. It is also the only motel in town. Time to go see the family. You get to meet them next post.


  1. Finally ... my computer will let me comment! This sounds like a place I need to check out!!!

  2. That is the advantage of travelling by RV. You always know where you'll sleep, and it's set to your personal taste.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your visit.

    It's about time.


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.