Monday, August 19, 2024

At Last - Family

 Billings, MT  Highs in the 90s but cools off nicely at night into the 50s and 60s. 

I cannot believe I have already been in Billings for almost two weeks. My time has been spent being with family and friends. So this post is going to contain a lot of pictures. Not much to read.

Elias James

He loves moving to the music




More Elias

For some reason Elias just really likes lugging my purse around.


You can see Michaela's mom (Mary Beth) in the background. We call her the fun Grandma.  She can get down on the floor to play with Elias. If I got down on the floor we'd have to send for the paramedics to get me up again. She loves playing outside with him and I am not good in the outdoors on uneven ground. So I'm Grandma Sandie.

Mary Beth and Lola


Lots more fun to come.



  1. Looks like you are in grandma heaven and I love your dog shots.

  2. Even if the time is short, it still adds to your memories.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. What could be more fun. Kids and puppies!!!


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.