Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Different Kind of Journey This Year

Helena, MT   High 101  Low 65 with a cooling trend ahead.

When I made this trip last year it was my self-discovery journey. I learned how to be just me and not 1/2 of a couple. I learned that I still have that restless spirit that wants to find new adventures.  I found my love of driving again - not pulling a trailer but having Daisy to take me where I want to go. Last year's adventure was also all about family. Spending time with my sister and my new grandson and his Mom and Dad.

This year is different. It's still a journey of exploring old and new places and venturing off the main road, but it is also about reconnecting with friends along my way.  So I want to introduce you to some of the best people you could ever want to know.

Tracey - a woman I really admire. For most of the years I've known her, she is a single mom raising 7 children. Some of her older ones have families of their own now. But she still has teen years to get through with the two youngest. She works two jobs and yet had time to meet me for lunch. 

She has more faith in and love for our Savior than almost any person I know. She has taught me so much through the years and set an amazing example for me to follow. I love this woman. 


Penny, Ray, Cindy and Nancy

Next are Ray and Cindy. These two have the biggest hearts. They heard I was going north and immediately called and asked me to stay with them for a couple of days. They have a beautiful home in a suburb of Salt Lake City and they welcomed me with open arms.

Ray and Cindy are both quilters and their quilts are beautiful.  They also have an amazing garden in their back yard. From fruit trees to veggies and herbs. Fresh salads from the garden and seasonings. Wow. What more could I ask for. Check out their blog and the gorgeous quilts at Ray and Cindy RV Travels

They had another visitor while I was there. Nancy Kissack of Kissack Adventures pulled into their driveway in her brand new Mercedes Camper Van. She was spending the week learning new quilting tricks. Her blogs are really fun to read so check it out at Kissack Adventures.  Definitely read her Bingo Blogs. You will enjoy a good laugh.


I really enjoyed myself but I needed to move on into Montana to my sister's so we could get ready to go to Emmett, ID for a wedding.

You'll be meeting more friends and family members in the future.


  1. Our Title has multiple meanings, It's about time. When recovering from the loss of a loved one, it may be easier for some than others. You may think, "I'm over that" when suddenly a flashback puts you back to square one. Even after you move on there will be those moments that catch you off guard. Don't live in fear of that happening, just live life with a smile on your face with a warm heart.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the adventures to come.

    It's about time.

  2. It was just the best meeting you Sandie! So nice to be with other single travelers. I open your blog most every day just to see those two pups! They make me smile every time!!!

  3. What route do u take? thru idaho up to montana? i could meet u somewhere in idaho.. i should have been more aware of where i was, when i was Az

  4. You really did this trip up right. So happy for you.


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.