Thursday, August 29, 2024

Memory Lane

 Sidney, MT  it was warm but not hot so nice weather

I decided that I was going to go back in time. I grew up in Sidney, MT which is over by the North Dakota border. I knew it must have changed a lot over the last 50 years and I wanted to go see places one last time. Since Vaughn only lives 50 miles from there, he decided to come along. So while I waited for him, I drove around town and took some pictures.

This is where I grew up. In the smaller house in this picture. The large house is where my Grandparents Mercer lived. Those were the days when family stayed close by. I remember Grandma Mercer giving me fresh peaches and cream. Also the lilacs in her backyard. It breaks my heart to see the decay of their home now.

That tree in front of our house has definitely grown. I remember when dad planted it. Just a scrawny little thing.


These next three pictures of where I went to school. Grade School, Junior High (not called middle school), and High School.



As I was sitting across from the High School, this fire truck came by with lights and sirens. I figured it was my Dad saying hi. He was a volunteer firefighter for probably 20 years or so. 

My Dad was also the Mayor of Sidney for a few years, then became the Director of Public Works, and after he retired from the city, he was again elected Mayor. The water treatment plant was one of his greatest achievements along with an o\Olympic size swimming pool.

The Dutch Mill was one of our favorite places to hang out along with the Malt Shop. Neither exist anymore but we still have the windmill to remind us of good times. Best french fries ever.

This is the house that Jim and Todd lived in while I lived and worked in Billings. They were finally able to move to Billings so we could be together again. 

The courthouse


This used to be our ice skating rink. You can still see the old warming house. They now have a nice new rink and a hockey team to go with it.

And one of the main reasons I came to town was to visit some graves. The first one is my Grandma and Grandpa Mercer. The second one is my mom and dad. I tried to find my Mom's parents' but I couldn't find it. I thought I looked everywhere but even with the map I couldn't find them.

Vaughn finally showed up and we had adventures that were waiting for us. One of those adventures was not so good. Check back to see what it was.



  1. Cemetary should have a detailed plan of where everyone was laid to rest.
    Hopefully your adventure was not that bad.

    It's about time.

  2. I also like to visit where I grew up and I lived as close to my grandma as you did. Sounds like your Dad did a lot for the town.

  3. It's fun to walk back through those memories. Sounds like your Dad was a great city leader.


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.