Saturday, September 2, 2017

Scenes From The Road

Helena, MT  High 94  Low 60

We are finally back in Helena and our solemn vow is that we will never, ever, make that kind of trip again. We took four days to return which was easier on us than the two day trip down. But we are still exhausted and are going to take a few days to recover.

I must admit, we were almost ready to just stay in Arizona. Sure do like our new home even though it was 110 both days we were there.

This coming week, Jim will once again start playing phone tag with Camping World about the oven. My hope is that it is repaired by Thanksgiving so I can fix a turkey. Wish us luck.

I took a few pictures along the way and for you to enjoy.

Smoke from a fire in Idaho.


Beautiful blue skies not filled with smoke.



Scenery worth looking at.



If you look really close at this picture, there are about 25 paragliders sailing over this hilltop. It was really neat to see all of them.


This is 9:30 traffic through Salt Lake City. But I was happy to see that most of the road construction is done.


That’s it gang. Time to recover and get ready to move on in another week.


  1. I love that you went back to AZ to get the "other" boat. Hah! Two boats, so many choices. Hope the oven is fixed soon. I'm with you on not liking long driving days.

  2. Nice that you took you time returning still long driving days. Good luck with your oven repair.

  3. Know that long travel days can be very tiring. Glad you took your time and enjoyed the scenery.
    Good luck with the oven repair. Just remind the dealer about the RV Lemon Law.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. We've been on trips like that. Glad to hear construction is over in SLC 'cuz we'll be heading that way real soon. We've discovered there are many places that will actually cook the turkey for you! :)

  5. Yes, time for some R&R.

    Since there's just the two of us we've started buying a precooked turkey breast. Dave still makes pumpkin pies, though, so we would need an oven for those.

  6. Good luck with Camping World. I am one of those who have no faithi n them. Buying our motorhome and getting them to fix the things that did nor work on delivery was truly an amazing example of incompetence and indifference.

  7. That was quite a journey!!! I know you all are tired!! Get some rest and good luck with Camping World!!

  8. Gorgeous scenery except for the smoke. You four need a ton of time to recover from that trip. I bet the kids a so happy to be home and stationary.

  9. I know you must be really tired those long drive days are not for me either. Your pictures of the hang gliders is pretty cool. Rest up.

  10. 117, over 110 for 20 straight days, monsooons, NAH, you don't want to be desert rats in the summer in Arizona ever again :-)


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