Sunday, July 2, 2017

One year and A Million Tears

Helena, MT   High 84 and going higher  Low 54

Our beloved Scooter has been gone for a year and she is still missed beyond words.


She was so tiny when we got her. You can barely see her curled up on Todd’s lap.


This was Scoots’ favorite position in the sun.




She was a mighty hunter


She helped me write the blog.


She didn’t like fireworks or thunderstorms so we bought her a Thundershirt to help her stay calm.


She loved being on the water with Jim.


She enjoyed seeing the sights with the wind in her ears.


sightseeing scooter

She loved Skittlez



She could never resist attacking the water from the hose.


Are you talking to me?


She claimed her toys.


But most of all she loved her dad. She was Jim’s Little Bitty Buddy.


We love you Scooter and miss you every day.


  1. So sad to lose a pet that is part of the family ��

  2. Pets really take a whole out of our heart when they are no longer with us. Been there, done that and hate it. So, I understand.

  3. I miss Scooter, and I only know him from your posts.

  4. The memories we have from our furkids will always put a smile on our faces.
    Enjoy the Memories.

    It's about time.

  5. sniff ~ seeing you on Facebook has kept me from cracking up over my favorite blog picture of all time ~ love those two little faces ~ such a pretty sweet girl

  6. Lots of great memories and pet are so hard to part with. I have had and lost so many over the years I can't stand to loose another.

  7. What a cutie. You were lucky to have each other.

  8. What a cutie. You were lucky to have each other.

  9. So touching Sandie. We miss her too.

  10. It's amazing how much our pets add to our lives, and all the memories we have of them. We'll miss them always and remember them with love. Wonderful photos - going down memory lane with you.

  11. I think I'm going to cry reading your beautiful tribute. I miss Lady and Smoky every day of my life, and I'm sure you will miss your beloved sweetie.

  12. Even I miss Scooter and you know I am not a dog person. But, your stories of her were, and are, wonderful!

  13. I too understand your feelings of loss and those feelings never ever seem to go completely away. I have experienced friends and family passing away but for me the passing of a favorite pet, a special friend, a best Buddy is like no other. Our little Pals are only here for a short time and we know they will one day have to leave us. But even knowing that it is a blow like no other when the departure comes. And it is a loss that will remain with us forever.

  14. Sandie,
    Your header photo is one of my favorite pet photos of all time !
    So sad to think it has been a year since your pal passed on...... without a doubt one of the toughest heartaches...... I have always loved and treasured my pets and enjoyed every minute with them but the loss can't be discribed...... feeling the pain !

  15. All the pictures are so sweet and such great memories of your precious baby. I sure know how you can still miss them so much.

  16. I too have a special place in my heart for my lost golden retriever named Cutter. Came home one day and he had passed away in the back yard. Only 8 years old. I can never replace him. :c(

  17. So sad to lose our little fur babies. But look at the wonderful memories and pictures you can go back too.

  18. Oh, our little pet buddies... love them forever..

  19. Such a special post for such a very special fur baby. All I can add is several tears, you really tugged my heart strings.

  20. We know how much they can be missed. Our new pup Romeo likes to lay on his back like Scooter.

  21. Scooter has left you with many, many wonderful loving memories.

  22. I know exactly how you feel. I miss my little Gretchen every day too. I love the boys, Harley and Willy, but Gretchen was my baby girl from a tiny puppy. Hugs.

  23. So sweet. The loss of a pet does hurt so much and no matter how long they are gone, we still remember the good times. Nice photos.

  24. I think I'm going to cry reading your beautiful tribute. I miss Lady and Smoky every day of my life, and I'm sure you will miss your beloved sweetie.



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