I was so tired of sitting in Billings watching the grass grow that when our friends, Judy & Gary, said let's go to Cody this week-end, I was packed and ready to go. And what a week-end it was. We went down to Cody on Friday and stayed at the Absoreeka Bay RV Park. Judy & Gary had the site right next to us and after we got set up, we were ready to go explore.
The food was excellent - barbeque beef, chicken, potatoes, baked beans, applesauce, cornbread, and a brownie. All you can eat and more if you want it. Great lemonade.
The fiddler player is only 17 years old and is the youngest person to ever be inducted into the Fiddler's Hall of Fame. What a cutie and when he fiddles - it's unbelievable.
We really enjoyed this show and hope if you're ever in that area that you'll take a chance to enjoy yourself. (www.codycattlecompany.com and www.rockinmwranglers.com)
P. S. Jim had to get the picture of Jeanne climbing over the wagon when they came through the campground. Notice the leg.
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