Wednesday, April 7, 2021

March - Leprechauns, Pots of Gold and Twins

 AJ, AZ   Highs in the 90s and lows in the 50s


The dove eggs hatched and we have two little ones. Our twins that we've named Mike and Ike. Have no idea how to tell male or female. Can't even figure it out with Mom and Dad. We are having so much fun watching the developments in the nest.

Jim got too close taking this picture and Mama fluffed right up warning him to stay away.

The other little one is underneath Mom or Dad.

The Twins - Mike and Ike


 It doesn't take long for Mom and Dad to throw them out of the nest. As soon as they are able to eat by themselves, it is time for them to move on. Out of the nest.


The little ones did stay around for a couple of days but not in the nest. We would see the on the ground quite often and then they were gone.

I got these eggs for Jim since they seemed so appropriate.

March 1 - I got my second covid shot. The nurse who gave me the shot needs to go back to shot school. It hurt when she put the shot in, the injection site bled, and I ended up with a bruise. Other than that the arm was sore but not bad. However, Monday night I had the mother of all headaches. I have migraines and this was definitely not a migraine. A totally different type of headache where I felt like my head was going to explode. Tylenol helped and by Tuesday night the headache was gone. Really glad that both of us have now had our two shots.

For the first time in forever and ever we had some company. Jeri and Terry stopped by after they got their second shot. We sat outside socially distanced and had a wonderful visit. Felt almost normal. 

March 11 was a sad day. One year ago Rocky Joe crossed the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge and left our broken hearts behind. We miss him.


St. Patrick's Day was spent like most our days. But we did decorate a little bit out front.

March 30 - This was a big day for us. Skittlez celebrated her 17th birthday. We have had her since she was two months old. She's always been a strange little dog so she fits into our family quite well. She does have several health issues and we aren't sure how much longer she will be with us so we treasure every moment we have. She got to share some ice cream with Dad but no cake.

Spring has arrived here in the valley and it feels like summer. Our temperatures have been hovering close to 100. April could be a very warm month. 


  1. It's just crazy how hot it is, and how early it got hot. Are you going north for the summer? Congratulations on your second shot!

  2. Some just don't know how to give injections.
    Too Hot Too Early.
    Enjoy Skittlez for as long as you can.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Must be fun watching them grow, your own view into a little miracle.

  4. A visit with Terry and Jeri--what fun! I miss all you guys.

  5. It is a wonderful thing to get that second shot! Of course we still need to be smart because to many out there are not very smart at all. Yes the heat came fast way to fast for me.

  6. Great that you had a visit with Jeri and Terry. We have a tree in front of the house with a whole flock of doves. Occasionally we notice smaller fluffier chicks in the feeder.

  7. She looks like my Luci... getting all white... poor little things. Luce is deaf and gets disoriented easily if she can't find me, think eyesight is not good either. When i leave her when i go anywhere, when i come back, she is just howling, such a pathetic sound. She is loved so very dearly

  8. Finally got our second shots too. Celebrated by going out to dinner. Coming up on two years since we lost Dozer. I still miss him soooo much.

  9. Congrats on your new grandbabies. So nice that you gave the parents a nice home to raise them in. Now are you going to have a sign to advertise your bird hotel?

  10. Always delightful to be able to watch wild birds raise their young. It never seems to get "old". We also had a bit of a het wave, in Southern California, in March, but the evenings and nights have remained quite cool. April and May can be variable, and we will hit the road in mid June. Doves cooing is an interestingly soothing background sound.

  11. Nice to be able to watch the Doves nesting and having babies!


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