Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Big Scare

Apache Junction, AZ   High 78  Low 51

We found out this week that Jim’s anemia is caused by a lack of Vitamin D. He says it’s because the weather has been so lousy he hasn’t been able to go fishing and get his share of sunshine.  He is now taking a Vitamin D pill to make up for it.

It is finally warming up (into the 80’s next week) but I sure wish the “breezes” would stop.


I’ve been taking pictures of the girls. Scooter gave me a scare last Thursday night. Jim was up at the clubhouse playing poker and Scoots was laying on her rug under the table. All of a sudden she started making the most horrible moaning sound. I thought she was having a nightmare so I went over to wake her up and I couldn’t get her to wake up. She just kept making this horrible sound. I was frantic. Could barely hit the right buttons to call Jim. He got home in about two minutes flat and by then Scooter finally lifted her head and looked at me like “what is all the fuss”. I still haven’t recovered but Scooter is doing just fine.


Jim attacked another project this week. A piece of the siding on the Bungalow had oxidized with lots of holes in it. And as you all know, no project goes as easily as you think it will.


And it is always more expensive than you had planned on. These four small pieces are $10 a piece.


BungalowTook a couple of trips to RV Renovators to find the right siding and about a zillion screws later the work is done. Don’t worry, I still have a big long list of projects for Jim to finish before we head out for the summer.

We had a campfire last night here in the park. Perfect evening for it and I even stayed outside for over an hour. I think that might be a record for me.


The girls really like Jim’s new chair. Especially Skitz.


We’re going to Paul’s to watch the Super Bowl this afternoon. Don’t really have a favorite but I’ll probably root for the Broncos.


  1. Glad the pup is okay and I understand the scare. I also began taking vitamin D as I spend a lot less time in the sun these days.

  2. Could Scooter have been having a seizure? We've hat a few cats have them and they usually don't make that kind of noise, but it may have been.

  3. Terry went through the same thing with anemia and now is taking big doses of Vitamin D. Scooter must have been having such a good dream that waking up wasn't a priority. Maybe it was chasing a rabbit??

    We didn't have a favorite for the Super Bowl either but decided to root for the Broncos too but mainly because they're closer to the west coast. Not a good reason I know but we didn't to come up with something.

  4. I know you will love the Heinz wiener-dog commercial.

  5. I did not know low Vitamin D caused anemia. That's a good date point to have. Glad Jim is better. I wish it would warm up a little more, nights are still cold so the mornings are, too. Shouldn't complain, could be in the mid west.

  6. My doctor also said I'm to take Vitamin D. It must be because I never drink milk, like we were told when young.

  7. Nice that the scare, is over.
    We are outside for hours everyday but have also been raking vitamin D for years as well.

  8. Hopefully Scooter was just having a nightmare; I know those can be hard to wake up from.

  9. We take Vit D just because. I wonder if she was having a small seizure but likely itwas a very bad dream.

  10. I take Vit. D every day and one 50,000 unit pill once a month.
    I hope Scooter was just dreaming. Bella makes noises when she sleeps and Paul and I look at each other wondering what is going on.
    Skitz looks so relaxed and very happy.

  11. Glad the dog is OK. Good luck on the project.

  12. That was scary. Maybe she was thinking of all the work Jim was going to have to do to fix that siding. That would make me scream, too!

  13. Just a caution about Vitamin D. Unlike most vitamin that are water soluble, Vitamin D is fat soluble. That means that when you body uses up the Vitamin D it needs, the surplus is stored in your fat cells and not passed off. It is worth having regular blood tests to be sure that you aren't taking too much D.

  14. Poor Scooter. Hope she is doing well by now. I take two Vit. D3 capsules twice a day. Each capsule contains 2000 I.U., whatever that is. My calcium tablet also contains 800 I.U. of D3.

  15. nice to have the weather warming up. Hope it lasts. Glad Scooter is ok.

  16. Crikey Scooter, that's no good. I sure hope it was just a bad dream and doesn't happen again. Your poor Mom'll have a heart attack or something.

  17. Same here with the Vitamin D I have a prescription for it and hope I can now just start taking over the counter D. The insurance doesn't pay for it and 4 pill's run $14.

    Sure glad Scooter is OK Fred makes some strange noises whan he sleeps. Hope that's what it was

  18. You know when dogs getting older they seem to sleep much deeper. We have experienced it with Molly lately. Once she falls asleep she is wayyy gone and I can stand besides of her calling her and no reaction. She also sleeps a lot more than when she was younger. And when she's dreaming her legs go like crazy and yes we hear her moaning too.

  19. She must have been in such a deep sleep! I'm sorry you had to go through that, but thankfully it was a false alarm.

    About the Vitamin D - I take a D pill every day, too. When my labs were done a couple of years ago, I was low on D. I couldn't believe it since I live in the desert and walk Katie and am outside more than ever in my life! Maybe sunscreen blocks some D from the sun? I don't know, but I guess it's really important so I get an OTC Vitamin D at Wal-Mart. I'm glad that's all it was for Jim - pretty easy fix. :)

  20. I have been living in the sun exclusively for almost ten years and I still have to take a vitamin D pill every day:( Who knew:)

  21. It's hard to imagine that we can be low in vitamin D in Arizona, but I tested on the low end of the range and am taking it too. Not because of anemia though.


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.