Monday, March 3, 2025

Is This A Felony? And The Center of the World

Still in Yuma 

Oh my word. We have a possible felon in our midst. Here's her story.

We decided we wanted to drive over into California but why put it in Google Maps. We could just wander and find our way over to I-8. As per usual, I got lost. Wandering around the fields I had no idea which way to turn. So I pull off to ask Google to help me out.

Before I knew what was happening, Marilyn jumped out of the car and ran over to the field. We had mentioned that we wanted to know what was growing in that field. So she picked a head of lettuce.

She Picked A Head of Lettuce Right Out Of the Field!!! Okay, it's probably not a felony but we had a good laugh. She put the lettuce back and we just hoped that there were no cameras recording our license plate.  

Found our way through the produce check point (sure glad she put that lettuce back) going into California and took the first exit. I'm sure many of you are very familiar with this exit as it leads to great boondocking BLM land. 

But if you turn right instead of left, you go to the official Center of the World in Felicity, California. 

This is a very interesting and unique place to visit. First of all, how did it become the "official" Center of the World?

The founder of this museum, Jacques-Andre Istel, wrote a children's book about a dragon. This fairy tale was presented to the Supervisors of Imperial County as evidence that the Center of the World was in Felicity and, for whatever reason, they agreed.

A 21 foot granite and glass Pyramid houses the bronze plaque marking the spot precisely. You can pay to go into the pyramid to have your picture taken standing on the spot.


Stretching out behind the pyramid is the Museum of History in Granite. I'm not sure how to describe it so it's best if you check it out on their website History in Granite. These are just two of the over 700 panels that have been finished.

There is also a Church on the Hill of Prayer. Michelangelo's Arm of God sundial points to the Church. 150,000 tons of earth were moved to create the 25 foot Hill. To reach the church, there are 49 steps to climb and the distance between the Pyramid and the Church is 910 feet.

The blue door and window symbolize wisdom, stability, faith, purity and spirituality.  


As I have said before, Marilyn is the walker in our group. She walked all the way to the hill and then climbed the 49 steps to see the chapel. Pat and I waited at the gift shop for her to return.


 This is Section 12 of the original stairway of the Eiffel Tower.

This place is definitely interesting. There is a maze and a replica of the Liberty Bell but half the size. If you are ever in the area, take the time to check it out.

 It was starting to get late by the time we left Felicity so we headed to the hotel to check in and then decide what we wanted to do for dinner. 

Just down the street from the hotel was Penny's Diner. We weren't very hungry so we decided to share a basket of onion rings and each have a milkshake (I had a malt). That really hit the spot. 

Back to the hotel and agreed to meet downstairs in the morning for breakfast.

Join us for more adventures tomorrow.

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