Thursday, September 5, 2024

Some Billings History Sites

Billings, MT   in the 90s but it cools down at night.

My time is running out here in Billings, but I decided to do a little bit of exploring.

Two Moon Park, named for the Northern Cheyenne chief who fought at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, borders the Yellowstone River near where we lived in Billings before we went to full time RVing. Lots of walking trails throughout the park. 



The Wayman Chapel - African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church

The railroad brought members of the Black community to Billings in the late 1800s. Most of them lived on the southside which was the center of the African American community. Black pioneer Walker Browning settled there and others joined him.

Church historians put the date of construction of the church somewhere around 1895 or 1896. Wayman Chapel not only served as a religious and spiritual center for the congregants but also as a social center for community events and functions.

In August of 2013, the church closed its doors. It sustained many water leaks and was declared unsafe. 

I find it interesting that even though we lived in Billings for several years, we never took the time to explore our hometown. But that seems to be the way it is for most people. Maybe next year I can find some more places of interest.


  1. "My time is running out here in Billings" - you know you're retired , right? 😊

  2. It seems to be the norm, that strangers tell you about things of interest where you live.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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