AJ, AZ - Highs in the 90s and lows in the lower 60s
I received an e-mail that Blog2Print is going out of business. This is the service that I have used since 2008 to make a paper book of my blog every year. I know the blog is online but there may come a time when I am not able to use a computer but I can still hold a book in my hands and look at the pictures. So this e-mail made me very sad.
There are several alternatives to Blog2Print but that means I have to learn a whole new program and I am dreading that. I guess that means I'm getting old and my brain is wearing out. So if any of you out there who may still be reading my blog (there's not many of you left), have used a different program I sure would appreciate knowing which one you chose and if you like it.
Or maybe it is time for me to retire my blog as many blogging friends have done. I'm just not sure what route I'm going to take.
In other news, my hot water tank is being replaced as I write.
I will be ordering one more blog book before time runs out the middle of this month so I am including several pictures of Elias and Michaela and her family. Mom and Elias were in Washington State for a Celebration of Life for her sister, Annie.