I love it when we have a mix of new friends, old friends and animals friends.
First, I need to apologize for this terrible picture. My camera has been giving me grief and I finally broke down last evening and bought a new camera.
New Friends (and animal friend): Many of you out there follow along with Sue and Doug on their journeys in their pop-up camper and orange Jeep. We finally got to meet them because they are here in Kalispell. We also got to meet the most important family member, Tucker – the flying Wallinda. They are at an RV park about four miles from ours and we just dropped in on them to say hi and visit. Doug and Jim started talking fishing and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever drag him away.

Sure am looking forward to spending more time with these wonderful folks. Paul and Mary (Boris and Natasha) were also supposed to be here this week but they had air conditioning problems down in Colorado and aren’t going to make it. Miss you guys.
Old Friends: I used to work in Kalispell and there is still one guy left in the office who hasn’t retired that I know. So we tracked Rod down and went to lunch with him today. Went to Nickel Charlie’s and had a great meal and got all caught up on what he’s been doing. He’s going to retired the end of this year and I keep telling him it’s about time.
Loved the inside of this place.
After lunch we picked up the girls and took them for a walk in Woodland Park which is 38 beautiful acres.
It has a rose garden, rustic log gazebos, horse shoe pits, log pavilions, kids playground equipment, picnic areas, two miles of walking trails around a large pond with water fountains that freezes for winter Ice skating with a warming hut in the winter, a water park, swimming pool and skate board park. We often took Todd here ice skating. I much preferred the warming hut.
More Animal Friends: There are hundreds of ducks, geese and swans in the park and people bring bread to feed them so they are quite tame. However, Skittlez was good at protecting us from any bird that might come too close.
However, this Mama Goose hissed rather loudly when we walked by to let us know she was keeping a close eye on us around her babies.
Not often that I see a black duck.
These signs are all around the park and they do mean there are ducks crossing every where so be alert.
It’s a beautiful park and a wonderful place to take a picnic lunch.
We are staying at the Rocky Mountain Hi RV Park. Lots of trees for those who want trees and open spaces for those of us who prefer fewer and smaller trees.
Couldn’t resist this one.