Thursday, August 22, 2024

Pour Painting

Billings - Same

Not everything was about Elias but almost everything. 

Some of you know that Michaela is an artist and is a paint instructor at Bitterroot Sip and Paint in Billings. On Sunday she took Mary Beth, Todd, Elias and I down to the paint studio for a lesson in Pour Painting.

You have got to realize that I do not have a single artistic bone in my body. I see a blank wall and I see a blank wall. Michaela can imagine that wall in a dozen different ways. All of them gorgeous. So this painting thing is so far out of my comfort zone it is in a different universe.

So this is what I see. Panic!!


Then comes the paint. Now what do I do? 


Michaela showed us a bunch of different techniques using straws, a brush, a chain, a small strainer, and a whole bunch of other everyday things. 


And I'm still frozen in my chair wondering what in the world I am doing here. 

So I pour a little paint on my blank canvas and push it around a little bit. Then I add some more and use a small brush to push it around some more. As you can see in the next picture that Mary Beth is using the straw technique trying to keep her hair out of it. (Isn't her hair just amazing?) 

 Eventually my painting was a horrible shade of brown. I definitely wasn't doing something right. So Todd took pity on me and told me I wasn't pouring enough paint on the picture. So he mixed several colors together and poured it on the canvas. Then I had to move it around to make a random design.

This is the result of our hard work.


Mary Beth


And, TA DA, Mine

I think if I was to do this again, I might just have a little idea of what to do. But I can't guarantee that. I really enjoyed myself in spite of my lack of artistic talent. Yes, I would do it again.



  1. I have seen people do that and it's amazing. I think you did a fabulous job!!! Is this oil or acrylic painting? I'm with you ... no idea what color to put where!!

  2. Think it looks like reflections on water!!


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.