Saturday, August 24, 2024

Friends for 50 Years

Billings - same

Vaughn and I have been friends for 50 years. Boy is that hard to comprehend. How the time does fly. And through all these years, he has been a good friend to me, even when I really didn't deserve his friendship. Like the time I called him in a panic and told him he had to get over to my house immediately. (We actually lived by each other so he wasn't very far away.) He came tearing over the yard and into the house, afraid of what he might find. What he found, was me having a meltdown because of all this noise on my roof. He went outside to take a look and found that a whole flock of birds had landed on my roof. I was a mess and he cracked up laughing. It was just like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's movie.

So I digress. Vaughn was going through Billings headed to Bozeman for the Trump campaign. He had time to stop and have lunch with Todd and I. Nobody can tell our stories like Vaughn can. We laughed so hard while reminiscing he was almost late getting on the road.

He also stopped on his way home and we all went to dinner. More fun stories and good laughs.

Vaughn and I had another adventure when I went down memory lane. But that will be the next post.



  1. It's great to have really ole friends

  2. Love meeting up with old friends. Can't wait to hear your story!


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