Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I'm Glad I Missed the Turn

Helena, MT - I can't remember what the temps were but I think they were in the 90s and people were complaining about how hot it was. Not me. And they have no idea how wonderful it is that the nights cool down into the 60s.

After returning to Helena, I was able to attend a session at the Helena Temple. So peaceful and such a special time.

Then I had to make decisions as to when I would be leaving and where I was headed next.  But I really knew my next stop was in Great Falls. I have a special friend who lives there and I'll post more about her later.

First I had to get to Great Falls. You know I can't just go from Point A to Point B. There has to be things in between that deserve to be looked at. And sure enough, I found two places I wanted to visit.

The first one on the list was Tower Rock State Park. It is just off of I-15 so nothing can possibly go wrong. Of course it can.  I took the right exit but then somehow I missed the turn sign to the park.  I'm so glad I did because wandering down the canyon road was spectacular. The road followed the Missouri River and it was beautiful. Here's a few of the pictures I took while I was on the wrong road.

The Hardy Bridge was featured in the 1987 film The Untouchables, starring Kevin Costner and Sean Connery; it served as a U.S.-Canada border crossing.

Lots of fishing happening on the Missouri River

About five miles down the road I figured out that I had missed a turn somewhere so I turned around and sure enough - there was the sign that had a big arrow on it pointing to Tower Rock State Park. 

Tower Rock was a landmark for native tribes, the Corps of Discovery, fur trappers, traders. The 400-foot high igneous rock formation lies in a 140-acre site along the stretch of the Missouri River.



There is a lonely little tree growing up at the top of the rock formation. There is also a hiking trail for those that can do that sort of thing. Here's the tree in a close up.

This bird posed so nicely for me I had to take it's picture. However, I don't have a clue as to what kind he/she is.

I'm really glad I missed that turn because the drive was so beautiful through the canyon. 

Got back on I-15 and found my next stop without any getting lost. They had lots of signage so I really couldn't wander too far away.

The First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park

For hundreds of years, Indians stampeded buffalo over the mile-long cliff. Without walking the trail to the jump area, it's hard to get a picture of how large this jump is. I also did not take time to drive to the top of the jump.

They have a really wonderful visitor's and education center. So much to see and learn and just not enough time.

It was definitely time for me to move on to Great Falls. Many things to see there.


  1. Its neat to stumble into such a pretty place by accident. I like your adventurous spirit.

  2. Gorgeous country, but so cold during the winter!!

  3. Looks like great drive and country.

  4. So interesting. I just rewatched The Untouchables last night. I remember thinking how long that bridge was. So neat you got to see it.


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.