Saturday, August 3, 2024

Beaver, UT

 Still HOT!!!

After finally finding a place to turn around on I-15 so I was going north instead of south, I headed for my next sleeping location, Beaver, UT.  

Beaver was established by Mormon settlers in 1856.  I didn't take much time to explore but they have some interesting and beautiful buildings.

Beaver Courthouse

Opera House


An old stone house

Haven't posted a cloud picture in a long time.

I stayed at the Days Inn in Beaver and I was not impressed with my breakfast or the motel.

 So north we go.


1 comment:

  1. I got back home safe n sound.. Sade did really well, overall. Yesterday was 103!!! to day.. today much less only 76 right now, BUT my body remembers i guess and today i slept... next to fan.. did water some.. just overall lazy,, could not even go to the fair w/ niece...


Thanks for visiting today. I look forward to reading your comments. Have a beautiful day.