Monday, November 5, 2012

Surgery Rescheduled

Got a call from the surgeon’s office this morning. He had to reschedule because of an emergency this morning.

Jim’s surgery is now scheduled for Thursday afternoon at 4:00. Not a time that I would prefer but we need to get this done. We have no idea if he’ll have to spend the night or not.

His eye feels better this morning but it’s still bothering him. The drops are working.

More later.


  1. It will all work out, in the long run... But Jim probably can't wait for it to get overwith...

    We'll probably be down there before you know it so perhaps we will get some of the nice weather, who knows?

  2. Sorry about the delay, but I always think when I have a delay--someone else has worse problems. Glad Jim's eyes are feeling better, Sandie. Do you know the cause, yet? At least the delay gives them a chance to completely heal.

  3. Aarrrgh! More waiting! Sorry about that.

  4. Hurry up and wait. You'd think Jim was in the military! :c(

  5. I'm sorry to hear about the surgery delay. Maybe Jim's eye will be totally better by then?

  6. Yup. Usually a delay means someone else has got it worse. Hey, at least you got the call ahead of time. The last time I was in for surgery, there was an accident out on the highway and they needed the operating room. I got stuck out in the hallway for a couple hours. You know that 'no food or drink' thing? That sucked.

  7. Jim will be in our thoughts and our prayers as will you. Please keep us in the loop as things progress and thanks.

  8. Thank goodness Jim is getting some relief.

    It is always something. We will thinking and praying for you two come Thursday.

  9. What a pain! Hope it goes through on Thursday.

  10. Missing our friends at Quartzsite. <3

  11. Poor Jim. Now a few more days of his withdrawal from fishing. Hope you have a lot of pictures to show him when he was fishing. That way he'll have something to look forward to and heal pretty fast.

  12. Doggone it all anyway. Sure hope there are no further delays and that all goes well on Thursday.

  13. So sorry it didn't work out but I guess it is better than postponing for weeks. Good luck!!!

  14. Always tough when one is mentally geared up to go & get things over with.....& then a delay is encountered. Just think, a short week from now all will be done & the fish will be biting again.

  15. All the best to Jim and hope he gets home right after.

  16. I'm also glad it was delayed only until Thursday - not weeks !!

  17. You know, i have considered another Doxy, but i think i would lose my sanity, they r much more stubborn than i am, and i am pretty stubborn & set in my ways :) You r better people than i am, for sure..... Hope Skitz starts feeling better soon!!!

  18. Feeling sorry for you guys. It's a hurry up and wait situation. Our friend had a 100% blockage and he was in and out the same day and now has no blockage. The only problem was that they did the surgery two weeks ago but they couldn't get to the blockage so he had to wait. Thankfully it ended up well. Hope the puppy dog is also doing better and that Jim's eye continues to get better. Are you the only non-sick one there????

  19. Hope all is well ... thinking of you

  20. Praying that all went well and that Jim is on his way to a speedy recovery...


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