Another day and another restaurant for lunch in Florence. Once again I arrived early so I could do some more exploring.
Continuing my tour of Florence I found the E. N. Fish and Company Store - built in 1874 it became a Wells Fargo office along with Collingwood & Co. Joseph Collingwood was the first postmaster in Florence. Over the years the building was a hotel, telegraph office, saloon and is currently a personal residence.
The Collingwood Windmill (or what is left of it) was erected, before the town created a water system, to supply water to a showplace house. The house and its servant's quarters were both listed as National Register of Historic Properties. Sadly, the house and quarters have been destroyed by time. The windmill is a Perkins tower mounted windmill, 30 feet tall.
Silver King Motel (currently Silver King Marketplace) was built in 1876 by William Long who was also a partner in the Silver King Mine. The Silver King suffered several fires and rebuilds over the years. It closed in 1977 but was reopened in 2009 after several renovations were done.

Now here is what you all need to know - the Florence Fudge Company is located inside. I think they also sell sandwiches and stuff but the fudge is more important. Definitely worth a visit while you're in town. 
Blue Mist Motel - This motel sits directly across the street from the Arizona State Prison. It was built in 1946, the heydays of auto travel across the United States. Gene Autry, the singing cowboy, was an original investor in the motel and often stayed there.
How it became named the Blue Mist Motel has an interesting back story. Joe O'Betka bought the motel and said the new name was a matter of "subliminal advertising". "At that time, a lot of people driving through here didn't have refrigeration in their cars. So my wife and I decided to come up with a name that would make 'em want to stop in, jump in the pool and use our air conditioned rooms."And of course, there is a murder story to go along with the motel. In 1984 Robert Moorman's adoptive mother, Roberta, came to town to visit Robert at the prison. Prison officials allowed him a temporary furlough to visit her. Before he went to her motel room, he bought some knives and used them to dismember Roberta. He was caught and then executed in 2012. We do not know which room this event happened in.
The Conrad Brunenkant building was constructed in 1890 and is the oldest two story red brick building in Florence. This building was originally a bakery so how could I not include it.
There is a beautiful church in Florence, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church. It wasn't open so I didn't get to see the inside.
I still had time before I met Paul, so I went out to the cemetery. I don't know about all of you, but I love wandering through cemeteries, thinking about the people who lived in this area and what their lives were like. So many stories.
The Florence Cemetery has very few rules, so just about anything goes. The cemetery is in the desert, and for those of us who love the desert, it is beautiful.
Time to head down to Main Street and the Irish Cowboy for lunch. Mural on Main
Charles Rapp Saloon was built in 1875. It was advertised as an "Elegant Club and Reading Room in connection with the Bar." It was the first location of the Tunnel Saloon and is currently the Ponderosa Dispensary.
Lunch Time!!The Irish Cowboy opened this year on main street. Sabrina, who is an owner and partner, grew up in West Cork, Ireland. And you know she is Irish the minute she asks you for your drink order. Paul had their fish and chips and I had the pork chop. Both of them were excellent. It's the kind of place where you would want to hang out after work and have a pint or two.
I just have to leave you with one more story of a very notorious woman.This murder actually happened in Phoenix but the female defendant was jailed at the Florence prison.
I found this information at Arizona Memory Project. If you are interested in AZ history, this is a great website to check out.
Winnie Ruth Judd - born in 1905 and was also known as Marian Lane. She was a medical secretary in Phoenix and was accused of murdering her friends, Agnes LeRoi and Hedvig Samuelson in October 1931. Of course, it was all because of a man.
The man at the center of these murders was John J. (Happy Jack) Halloran. He was married but was quite the playboy and he and Winnie had an affair. Winnie worked with Agnes and Hedvig and found out that they were also "friendly" with Jack. One night an argument broke out between the three women (maybe over Jack?) and all three were shot. Agnes and Hedvig died and Winnie was shot in the hand.
murders were discovered when Winnie transported the victims' bodies
from Phoenix to Los Angeles by train in trunks and other luggage which
began to leak and smell. The police met the train at the station and
asked her to open the trunks. She claimed her husband had the keys and
she fled. This led the press to call the case the "Trunk Murders".
Her trial was in January 1932 and she claimed self-defense. She was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. She was placed on death row at the Arizona State Prison which is in Florence. In 1933 she changed her plea to insanity and was found to be insane and moved to the Arizona State Mental Hospital. During her 38 year stay she managed to escape seven times. The last time she evaded the police for over six years when she fled to California and changed her name. She demanded that her case be reviewed by the parole board and in 1971, Governor Jack Williams signed the pardon. She was instructed never to tell her story or talk about any part of it ever again. Winnie died in her sleep at the age of 93.
Not sure where we will end up next but I do know it will be in 2024.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year