Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I didn't get a picture of Wayside but I want to tell you about it. On Thursday night the R(o)Ving Rods decided to go to Wayside for burgers. Now remember, Alamo Lake is 38 miles from the nearest town and I can't imagine where these burgers are. Some of the group has already left and some are still enjoying happy hour, so we got directions and headed out. About 4 miles up the road from the campground there's a small sign that shows Wayside with an arrow. We turn onto this "road" (a dirt road that isn't maintained and has lots of signs that say Flood Area, Do Not Enter If Water). Five miles bumping down this road and we arrive at Wayside.
Out in the middle of nowhere, Wayside is a small RV park with a restaurant. They serve breakfast and burgers. A very unique dining experience. And definitely out in the middle of nowhere.
Out in the middle of nowhere, Wayside is a small RV park with a restaurant. They serve breakfast and burgers. A very unique dining experience. And definitely out in the middle of nowhere.
Also, I could not have toast every morning for breakfast unless Jim ran the generator. Toaster's don't work off of 12 volt power. I really did learn a lot while we were out there.
By the way, there were no hookups where we were camping. Alamo Lake does have some full hookups and some electric sites - but these people don't believe in that kind of thing. So boondocking was the name of the game and that's a game I'm not sure how to play. Quite a challenge.
Isn't this a gorgeous picture of the lake?
Alamo Lake is a nice size lake out in the middle of the desert. But it is an extremely popular spot for fishing and camping.
Monday, March 30, 2009
It's hard for me to imagine the life these pioneering people led. I think it's hard when I have to live in my rv without benefit of electrical hookups.
Stanton, AZ is another old ghost town rich in the history of this state. It's located north of Congress, AZ off of Highway 89. You take a dirt road that is not maintained for six miles and then you see it.
Stanton's post office was established March 5, 1875 and was discontinued June 15, 1905. At the base of Rich Hill, Stanton had in its heyday a five stamp mill, boardinghouse, store, and at least a dozen houses. Originally named Antelope Station, the name was changed to Stanton after Charles P. Stanton. The camp is rumored to have started as early as 1863 because of a gold find. Stanton was killed in his own store by two Mexican bandits who were revenging Stanton's insult to one Cristo Lucero's sister.

The town had a stagecoach station, owned by William Partridge and a country store which was owned by G. H. "Yaqui" Wilson. Wilson had pigs, and they were often on Partridge's ground eating the food stuff that Partridge had stored for the travellers. Charles P. Stanton plotted how to make use of arguments between Partridge and Wilson so he could eliminate both of them, thinking they would leave both businesses to him.
So, one day when he met Partridge, he told him that Wilson was after him. This was a big lie, but Partridge believed him, and he shot Wilson as soon he saw him. Partridge was arrested, questioned, convicted and sent to jail in Yuma. In Yuma he complained that Wilson's ghost was after him all the time. But, things did not go as planed for Stanton. Wilson had a secret partner by the name of Timmerman who took over the store, and the jailed Partridge had creditors who sold his stagecoach station to Barney Martin.
Stanton is now an RV park, and the area is owned by Lost Dutchman Mining Association who preserves the original buildings.
North Ranch is an Escapees park between Wickenburg and Congress, AZ. This is a huge park with mostly long term lease holders several of whom have built homes here, not just park models. We decided to stay here for a couple of nights on our way to Alamo Lake in order to meet Jackie & Charlie in person. I've corresponded with Jackie for a couple of years about fishing and they belong to a group called Roving Rods. So she invited us to Alamo Lake to enjoy the fishing and the group.

North Ranch has this beautiful small park that is taken care of by volunteers. It was just starting to bloom when we were there and I'm sure it is gorgeous by the end of April.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jim went out to find out what was going on. Seems a guy three campsites over from us had gotten drunk and accidently shot off his gun. He told the police he was going to put the guns away and go to bed to sleep it off. I guess that's what he did because we didn't hear anything else from him and the next morning he was gone quite early and didn't come back while we were there. Thank goodness.
This sign is at the exit to the KOA as a reminder to RVer's. Be sure to read the last item on the list.
We ended up with 3 pies, fudge, and some apple butter. That apple pie had to be the best pie I've had in years. My Mom and Dad really made some good pies and this one ranks right up there with theirs. That truly is a tribute.
A definite must stop!
We spent the night in Lordsburg, NM which is a very small town in southwestern NM. Shakespeare Ghost Town is located about two miles from Lordsburg, so Jim and I went out there. This ghost town is privately owned and is only open on the 2nd Sunday of each month with tours at 10 and 2. So we didn't get to visit. Billy the Kid used to hang out in this area.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
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